Mahedi Maud Darululoom Mahadavia added Hijarat Maps - (Click to see)Mahedi Maud


        Islam is an Arabic word. Uslim is an Arabic verb in it. Its meaning is to surrender oneself to somebody. In Islam the word Islam means to completely surrender oneself to Allah. Complete surrender means there is no role of our will (desire), we surrender to our will to Allah, means we don’t keep our right over will of Allah in our behaviour. Islam means to live a life as per the will of Allah and not make any preference of our will above the will of Allah. Whatever good and bad happens in our life accept it as a will of Allah and considers it to be from Allah and bear silently over hardship and thank Allah when He favours us this state of mind is Islam.

    Allah has expressed his desires before us through Holy Quran. Allah revealed Quran over the heart of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAS). Through Quran Allah expressed his will to the people of the world. Once upon Allah desires to make the Human, he made first man, he was first Prophet also, his name was Adam (AS). Allah gave Adam his divine guidance (Hidayat) and knowledge. Allah ordered Adam to live his life as per His guidance and knowledge i.e. as per the will of Allah. Allah told Adam that whenever He will send His messenger with divine guidance; follow the messenger and his guidance. Whoever will follow his messenger they will not have any fear and trouble. Whoever disobey the messenger, for them fire is ready in the hell.

    Hence, Allah express his will through a man, he select a man to whoever he wills and convey His messages to the people and present before us His messengers life as a role model so that the worldly people follow him looking towards his ideal behavior called Sunnah. So that peace is established in the world.

    Hence, from the first desire of Allah that is to give birth to the children and to follow his true path, and obey and not make any difference among his all messengers right from Adam (AS) to Muhammad (SAS) is Islam. And also not make any messenger superior or inferior over other messenger and to agree all Holy books of Allah is Islam. And also it is desire of Allah to obey Imam Mahedi Maud (AS) who is Ma’sum and complete follower of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) whose news of fourth coming was given in the Quran and also by Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in the Hadith that one who obeys Mahedi, obeyed Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and who obeyed Prophet, obeyed Allah. And one, who disobeyed Mahedi, disobeyed Rassul (SAS) and who disobeyed Rassul (SAS) disobeyed Allah. Whoever disobeyed Allah, his place is Hell after death to agree and follow this concept is Islam.

    What desires Allah from Us? Allah desires from us to know Him “One” and not many. He desires from us not to make anybody his companion (Sharik) Allah desires from us to worship (Praise) him, to know him, to recognize him and to declare him. He desires from us to obey his messenger (Rassul), especially to the last Prophet Muhammad (SAS).

    Allah desires from us to accept him as creator, sustainer and destroyer of the world and nobody else. Allah has sent us in this world for a known period of limited time to examine us and desires to know who among us recognizes him and who among us walk on his said true path and who among us disobey (Rejects) his path and Allah desires to know who among us rejects his messengers.

    Allah will one day call everybody before him. All people will gather before Allah with their messengers and Shariks. That day everybody’s file of action (Deed) will opened up before them and Allah will judge that day for our deeds. And we will be awarded as per our deeds and not as per the relations. One who would have followed as per the will of Allah, he will be awarded in his favour and will be sent to Jannah (Paradise) and one who would not have followed as per the will of Allah he would be sent into Hell forever. This is the day of judgment (Qayamat) to believe in this day of the judgment is also desire of Allah and to believe in the Qayamat is Islam.

    Allah revealed the Holy Quran upon Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and Prophet conveyed this Quran to people. There are orders of Allah in the Quran; these orders are the source of Hidayat. Prophet acted upon these orders (Hukum) and made his life synchronous (As per) the order of Allah and presented before the people an ideal example and the role model of life, it is his Sunnah. To follow this Sunnah and actual practical life of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and to follow all the orders in Quran is Islam.

    Allah desires from us to be under his fear and live life under his fear, to live in poverty, die in poverty and don’t accept the luxurious things of the world, buildings, jewelry, houses & cloths. Allah desires from us to worship Him always, offer five times Salat (Namaz) to do meditation of Allah, give Zakat (Donation) to eligible person, do fast in the month of Ramdhan, read Quran, understand Quran and do act as per orders in Quran, tell truth, give true statement, don’t indulge in theft, don’t backbite, don’t cheat the others, don’t take interest against loan, take the benefit against transactions in business with consultation of each other don’t take the property of other poor, weak, helpless and orphans (Yatim). Don’t take the right of orphans give them their rights. Give proper respects to your parents; don’t call them with bad words, help them especially in their old age to follow this, is Islam.

    The father of all worldly human is Adam (AS), Hawa (Eve) is mother of all worldly humans, this should be our understanding in our heart and we should treat everybody as our brother, sister and respectful relatives. With this thought we should give them good treatment. We should not use excessive force to others; we should do justice with them. We should give the order as per the order of Quran and we should not give false order for the sake of worldly gain. We should not hide the true statement. We should wear the dress of taqwa (That is fear of Allah and Good behavior). We should spread the Quranic knowledge to the people to whom it is not yet reached. We should do Hizrat (Migration) to leave our destination and go and travel to other places to gate the knowledge and preach and spread the Islam. We should call the people to follow the path of Allah and also should follow on this path our self and do proper justice and abstain our self from rejection (Inkaar). We should fight against cruel people and bad people with Jihade asgar (Minor War) after success in Jihade akbar (Major War) with inner self. This is desire of Allah and to follow on this is Islam.

    We should not keep excess property with us than recommended. Avoid expensive dishes, clothes, houses, carriers. And also avoid luxurious things. We should not make friendship with bad people, should keep away ourselves from going to prostitute and not to do bad work. Nourish our wives, don’t doubt on our good wives. Woman should not make indirect friendship and relationship with a man other than their husband. Mothers should breastfeed their baby for two year. The son should help their parent. Owner or entrepreneurs should pay the full amount of work to their worker/ servant, should not take out of their right. The worker should do their duty sincerely towards their owner. We should live with good people, should not take narcotics, alcohols, we should earn our livelihoods with proper Islamic way of Sunnah, eat from this proper (Halal) earning and also should help the needy persons with this proper earnings. We should not indulge in lottery, games, gambling, magic, Matka and Satta. We should not do that business to which Allah (God) forbids. We should not indulge in dance, riots, singing, playing and Acts etc.

    We should always read the divine knowledge, should follow the footsteps of good elders. We should respect the elders and their suggestions. We should help the diseased person in their trouble. We should help the persons affected from natural disasters, calamities like earthquake, floods, rain etc. this is desire of Allah and to follow it, is Islam.

    We should do meditation (Zikar) of Allah. We should hate to inner satan (Iblis) hidden in our self. We should think over the guilty and crimes that we have done. We should repaint our guilty by starving by fasting so that our inner heart is purified.

    We should always remember to death. Allah says in Quran… you die before death. We should not bring word Talaq on our tongue unnecessarily. We should not do false accusation on others. We should return the loan that we have taken from others on time. We should not trouble others so that others will not trouble us. We should not kill a human because to kill an innocent human is as like as to kill whole humanity.

    We should read and learn Quran with full understanding and teach Quran with full understanding. We should not innovate and do bad meaning of Quran. And we should not order the fake order of Quran, we should not hide true meaning of Quran, we should not listen to bad people, we should do our work, we should not say bad word to others, we should hide the faults of others, we should praise the good virtues in others, we should not do unnecessary expenses and also should not do unnecessary shortage in expenses. These are the desires of Allah and to follow this, is Islam.

    We should keep reliance over Allah, for his favour we should follow his true path described in Quran, and shown by Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in his Sunnah. We should find our earning, should do our work, earn livelihoods and feed on it and not depend on others for our requirements. We should teach our children good thoughts and lesson and give them proper knowledge of Shariyat, the way of living life and Haqiqat, its inner hidden dimensions. We should make our children a good Mussalman so that his life becomes beneficial to others. These are all the desire of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) brought them before us. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) acted upon all above desires (Will) of Allah. He made his life as per above said Allah’s desires. He molded and shaped his life through these instructions and messages of Allah and kept before us his life as a role model for us to follow by future generations. This is our Prophet Sunnah and to follow this Sunnah strictly is Islam. This Sunnah is written in six books of Fiqah of Sunni and four books of Fiqah in the Shiya sector of Islam.

    In the books of Hadith the writers of Hadith have described broadly five pillars of Islam. These are Kalama then Salat, Saum, Zakat and Hajj. These five pillars of Islam are supposed to be essential basic requirements for being a Muslim. These five pillars are so repeatedly described and stressed so that these five pillars become the identity of Islam. Other orders of Allah were less stressed and more or less neglected, but later as time passed after centuries, when man became careless, irresponsible, lazy and in his mind selfishness ego, envy and backbiting took birth then only those orders of Allah which were in favour of people’s desire were followed and those order which were not in favour of people’s desire and troublesome with hardship were either neglected or molded as per human will and this was considered Islam.

    Hence, Allah has shown His desire about how to behave a man in his life by the example of life of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) which is his Sunnah in the form of his deeds (Fa’al), saying Qoual and character (Haal). Prophet Muhammad (SAS) followed all orders of Allah and not mere five pillars which are mentioned in Quran and put fourth his life as a role model for us, to follow this role model completely in its all three dimension of Qoual, Fa’al and Haal in our life is Islam, and not mere five pillars.

    Allah says in Holy Quran… in one of verse that you are the best Ummat (People) among all previous ummats in the past because you call the peoples to do good deeds (Work) and also prevent the people from doing rejection (Inkaar). This is how Allah himself praises to Islam and Muslims, this praise is not a Hollow praise but this praise is based on quality of the people. The quality is that, Muslims calls the peoples to do good deeds and also prevent the people form doing the deeds that Allah forbids. Muslims must have proud of, not being a Muslims, but of quality in him that he does good deeds and also call the people towards doing good deeds and also he, himself don’t do the deeds that Allah forbids him and also prevent peoples from doing such forbidden deeds.

Thanks, Keep reading continue...

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